Participate in the Housing Forum Coming up this Month!

The Minister of Community and Social Services is hosting a Housing Forum on November 30, 2016 designed to draw on the ideas and experiences of a wide range of participants from around the province. The Housing Task Force (HTF) is pleased to support this initiative, given the way it contributes to maximizing broad community input regarding significant challenges in innovative housing options for adults with developmental disabilities. From the beginning of their work in 2014, the HTF has emphasized the enormous potential value of learning from the lived experience and creative energies of individuals, families, agencies, and multiple community partners. They look forward to playing a supportive role on November 30, particularly through helping to facilitate some of the afternoon conversations.

Because the HTF feels strongly about the value of the November 30 consultation process, they would like to turn some of their own energies toward expanding and extending the effort. They want to urge individuals and families (especially those who may be unable to participate on November 30 itself) to find opportunities to meet in the weeks ahead – with an eye to offering your own ideas regarding ways to more effectively and creatively meet the housing needs of adults with developmental disabilities.

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