Local Gallery Celebrates Diversity in Home

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, located in Oshawa, is celebrating home with a new gallery exhibit. The exhibit, #FeelsLikeHome, hopes to fill the exhibition space from floor to ceiling with printed 4 x 6 pictures – all submitted by Durham Region residents!

Along with submitted photos, the RMG’s Curator of Collections will select photographs from the Thomas Bouckley Collection that highlight reoccurring themes around the feeling of home.

The Thomas Bouckley Collection was started when local historian Thomas Bouckley collected images of Oshawa and put them together with his own photo documentation of the city. This collection is continually growing as Oshawa grows and develops.

We are very familiar with the concept that home can be many things – a feeling, place, person – each idea as unique as the individuals they come from!

Members of the community are invited to participate in this exhibition by hashtagging photos that reflect what home means to then with #feelslikehome. Submitted images will be printed and included in a crowd-sourced exhibition project that illustrates how home and a sense of community can be one and the same. It’s great to see other establishments in our community thinking about what makes a home and getting creative around housing. Once this exhibit is open, we are sure it will spark lots of ideas. Interested in talking more about housing and home? Join one of our monthly meetings to meet like minded people!

Check out the images submitted by Imagining Home members below, and send your submissions to hminors@dafrs.com after you send them to the gallery to be featured in our own #feelslikehome collection!