Principles and Values Layour

Principles and Values

Principles that Guide Our Actions

& what they mean for Housing

  • Life happens best in typical ways in ordinary community – one person at a time, based on interests that citizens have in common with one another, starting and ending one’s day from home with natural breaks and rests happening in ordinary places.
  • Supports and plans are best arranged around individualized options – arrangements uniquely designed to bring out the best in your son or daughter and what they have to offer.
  • It is important to always begin with the person and their interests – who they are, who they might be, their deep qualities, their skills and gifts – and then to listen deeply, again and again as they reveal more and shift and grow over time.
  • Relationship is key, and ways to focus on the developing the kinds of situations where relationship will arise will be interwoven into all discussion. A wide range of relationships, including those that are life-enhancing and safe-guarding can only be developed within real community – not separate and apart, or grouped with others with disabilities.
  • Our goal is to get beyond mere presence – just being there – and to look at authentic participation and real inclusion. These things are only possible when we help people to hold and build upon valued roles which include contribution, take place in community and involve other citizens.
  • Shared decision-making is an essential part of the listening and learning process -the voice of the individual is important and shared decisions will be made among the important people in their life.
  • Simple everyday choices are a made and supported within the everyday limitations and responsibilities that we all experience. At the same time, we will talk about how people can be truly involved in being a part of governing the direction of their lives.