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Housing is a Community Issue

The innovations that typical community members develop in order to build vibrant and strong communities are rooted in diverse neighbourhoods. 

Who We Are 

Imagining Home is a group of like-minded people delving into finding and creating “home” for a loved one with a disability. 

Read more about this project.

This is a project selected and funded by the MCSS. See a project summary here to get see more specifics about what we are carrying out. 

See our principles and what values we work within.

We are planning, envisioning, researching, and acting within a strong set of principles. We believe these parameters are fundamental to our success. Check out our guidelines here.

“The strength of a nation derives from the integrity of the home.”


Learn With Us

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Find out when a meeting is happening and where.

Check out our resources!

See a collection of websites, articles, videos and more that we are currently looking at.

Questions? Have a story to share? Send something to the group nearest you.